All in-person group classes are designed for dog-friendly and human-friendly dogs*.
For the safety of everyone, COVID-19 protocols are applied. Please read the details here.
*If your dog has exhibited reactive or aggressive behaviours (e.g. barking, lunging, growling, snapping, biting, and snarling) or anxiety (e.g. he/she has difficulties settling due to over-arousal or fear), please contact us to discuss if a group class is suitable for your dog.
Fumie, the trainer/owner at Happy Fido Company, has taught recreational agility at Keshet Kennels/Rescue for the past 3 years. She will be teaching agility classes again this spring/summer together with her dog trainer friend Claudia.
This course is offered by Keshet Rescue at their kennel in Carlsbad Springs (about a 20-minute drive from downtown Ottawa). Registration is open now on their website. For course inquires, please contact Keshet directly at info@keshetkennels.com. A portion of the proceeds goes to the Keshet Rescue. All breeds are welcome!
Course duration: 6 weeks; 1-hour class per week
Cost: $175.00 + HST
Prerequisites: Dogs must be
up-to-date in required vaccinations
6 months old and above
social to dogs and people
capable to perform sit, down, and stay with minor distraction (preferably graduates of a basic manners/obedience course)

Photos courtesy of Keshet Kennels/Rescue
(They were taken before the pandemic.)