Our webinar and virtual workshop series will help you make positive changes together with your dogs! The webinars and workshops will be taught using science-based, force-free, and positive reinforcement-based training – please read our training philosophy.
Contact us for one-on-one private sessions if you prefer a customised approach.
This is a two-part series for owners with dogs that exhibit “over-the-top” behaviours, such as barking, lunging, growling, etc., at other dogs on walks. If you have started to dread walking your dog because of his/her behaviours, then this is for you!
The first part is an interactive webinar where you will learn the foundation concepts on dog reactivity/aggression on walks, how to read pre-cursor signals to a reactive/aggressive episode, as well as tips and tricks that you can implement to help your dog immediately!
The second part is an online hands-on workshop where you will learn foundation skills and techniques to improve your walks. You will learn body movement and leash handling skills, proactive skills to change your dog’s behaviours, exercise to soothe your dog after a reaction, as well as methods to increase safety on walks (e.g., what to do during an off-leash encounter).
Date and time:
Webinar: Saturday, October 16th, 2021, 10 am to 11 am (humans only)
Workshop: Saturday, October 23rd, 2021, 10 am to 11 am (with dogs)
What’s included in this package?
Live 1-hour webinar including Q&A (session will not be recorded)
Live 1-hour workshop including Q&A (session will not be recorded)
Summary sheet after each session
Maximum number of student: 5 dogs (at least 1 handler per dog)
Pre-requisites: N/A – this is an introductory-level dog behaviour training class
Computer with audio and video capabilities (including microphone)
Treats, leash, and harness/flat collars for the workshop
Price: $100 all inclusive